What Does Gas Safe Mean?

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What does Gas Safe mean? It’s a non-profit organization that promotes safety around the home, it is not for the home alone but is also applied to business and commercial properties. It is a group of national and local leaders that take the issue of gas safety very seriously. They have helped to develop regulations and guidelines for the proper storage and use of gas. They also provide educational material on the effects of gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning.

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They offer training to homeowners to help them recognise the symptoms of gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning. They also offer classes and seminars to teach you how to properly use gas safety products around the house. This is a great source for finding out what your local rules and regulations are regarding gas storage and usage. Plumbers and gas engineers are also accredited with being ‘Gas Safe’ and these are the professionals that you should be looking for to complete any work in your home. For supplies and Copper Pipe Connectors, visit Watkins and Powis

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When you are out shopping for your home appliances, consider buying gas safe appliances. As a consumer you are responsible to research what the safe standards are in your country. What does gas safe really mean? Always look for this accreditation to ensure you are keeping your home as safe as possible.