Deciding If You Need Mobility Aids

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If you have trouble walking or moving around, mobility aids can help you stay independent and improve your quality of life. According to the World Health Organization, falls are the second-leading cause of injury globally, and people who experience frequent falls are more likely to suffer serious injury or even death. Falls can happen to anyone, regardless of age or health.

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Although the decision to use mobility aids can be difficult, it is very important to make an informed decision. These devices can be short-term or long-term. The main goal of mobility aids is to improve your ability to live your life without pain. To see a selection of Mobility Aids, go to

Walking can be tiring, and chronic pain can make it difficult to stay upright for long periods of time. However, a mobility aid can help alleviate fatigue by reducing the stress on your lower limbs. If your pain is severe enough to prevent you from walking, you may be a candidate for a wheelchair that features a built-in seat for support. This can make it easier to leave your home and reduce the stress that comes with being away from home.

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When deciding whether you need mobility aids, consider your lifestyle and the type of activities you participate in. If you only participate in light exercise in or outside the home, a cane, rollator or walking stick may be all you need. If you participate in high levels of activity, you may need to invest in more specialist adaptive equipment.