Advantages of HTML banner Ads over traditional Ads

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In an era of digital marketing, more and more people are looking for ways to reach their target audience effectively and in a way that can be tracked and analysed. One such way is through HTML Banner Ads, like the ones offered by Bannermen. When compared to traditional, static banner ads, these HTML equivalents offer a number of advantages.

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Older static ads offer the option to share images only, whereas the newer HTML versions are dynamic in their design. This means that you can share interactive elements and even videos. This makes it much more likely that people will interact with your banners. Animations and videos perform much better on websites, social media and in banner ads than standard images.

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HTML ads are designed to be more accessible and responsive, which means that they adjust seamlessly to the screen sizes of different devices. Whilst they might be designed on a desktop, they will adjust to laptops, tablets and mobile phone screens, without the design being compromised.

These banner ads are also more versatile in their uses. As well as the already mentioned videos, these types of ads can also include quizzes and surveys. This can encourage more people to complete the quiz and can give you new ways to be able to interact with your audience and to gain important information that you can use across your wider marketing campaigns. These quizzes can also be used for time-sensitive campaigns.